22. Sep
"Readiness Of Slovenian E-Invoicing” (ROSE), a Connecting European Facility Action, co-financed by the European Union and implemented by the Public Payments Administration of the Republic of Slovenia, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, ZZI d.o.o., Mojdenar IT d.o.o. and Centre for European Perspective, was presented officially at the kick-off conference "Will we be ready for European standard for e-invoicing?” in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
The conference provided an in-depth insight into the upcoming requirement for European public service providers to be able to receive e-Invoice when sent to them in European standard. The purpose was to clarify what is Slovenia doing to prepare and be ready to implement the Directive 2014/55/EU on eInvoicing in public procurement and to present how will public service providers be supported, especially through the activities, trainings and solutions provided by "Readiness Of Slovenian E-invoicing” (ROSE). The new EU legislation in the field of digitalization, standardization and inter-operability in public services are crucial due to their positive effect on citizens, economic subjects and EU member states, among them high quality and low cost public services, new employments, sustainable development and more interconnected, stronger Europe.

Dušan Zupančič, director of the Association of Informatics and Telecommunications at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, emphasized a long-term commitment of Slovenia to digitalization and simplification of e-commerce in his introductory remarks. The main message of mag. Aleksandra Miklavčič, director general of the Public Payments Administration of the Republic of Slovenia, was to point out that the success of introduction of e-commerce in Slovenia depends on cooperation between public sector, business sector and other stakeholders. In her presentation of e-commerce in state accounting, Milena Bremšak, director general at the Directorate for Public Accountancy at the Ministry of Finance, explained the development of e-commerce in state accounting and presented her views on future developments.
Tina Šinkovec of the Public Payments Administration of the Republic of Slovenia offered an insight into the duties and responsibilities according to the EU Directive on eInvoicing in public procurement, and pointed out that the directive binds the subjects listed in the Public Procurement Act. Andreja Dolničar Jeraj, programme director at Centre for European Perspective and ROSE Action coordinator, presented the activities under the ROSE Action so far and called upon the participants of the conference to get prepared to receive e-Invoices sent in European standard and to use the support and solutions offered through the ROSE Action.

Dušan Zupančič, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, clarified EN 16931 standard for e-Invoice and announced that a list of good practices in different sectors will be compiled as part of the ROSE Action. Igor Zorko, ZZI d.o.o., introduced the newly developed registry of e-Inovice recipients and presented an overview of useful solutions offered by ROSE Action, while dr. Rok Bojanc, ZZI d.o.o., explained how to receive e-Invoice in European standard. Jorgo Bertalanič of Public Payments Administration of the Republic of Slovenia elaborated on the key novelties and changes, among others also an upgrade of a single entry point for e-Invoices at the Public Payments Administration.
The conference brought together over 140 representatives of the enterprises that are involved in the public procurement processes and solutions and service providers.