ROSE Action soon to offer new tools for receipt of eInvoices for public service providers
After the introductory activities in the field of informing and
educating of the key stakeholders involved in the exchange of eInvoices,
"Readiness Of Slovenian E-Invoicing” (ROSE) Action is getting the new
Slovenian standard for eInvoices and exchange hub for eInvoices sent in
the EU standard ready.
New Slovenian standard for eInvoices will be prepared only a month after announcement of the EN 16931 in the Official Journal of the EU,
The European Commission announced the European standard EN 16931 with an executive decision on 16 October 2017. While the standard eSlog 1.6 is currently in use in Slovenia, ROSE Action will upgrade it in accordance with the recently announced European standard to the new version eSlog 2.0. In order to do so, ROSE Action is concluding the preparation of the XML scheme of the new standard and mapping tables between the two standards (1.6 and 2.0), mapping tables for eSlog 2.0 and two eInvoicing syntaxes compliant with the European standard EN 16931. eSLOG 2.0 documentation will be prepared in Slovenian and English language for software solution and services providers to enable integration of the new eSLOG 2.0 standard into their solutions.
Exchange hub for the exchange of eInvoices for contracting entities
The Exchange hub will be implemented to support contracting entities who are not budget users, which up until now were not obliged to receive eInvoices. The hub will allow organizations to exchange eInvoices in eSLOG 2.0 and in other syntaxes for which mapping tables will be prepared in the activity of upgrading the Slovenian national eInvoicing standard to eSLOG 2.0. It will enable also the visualization of the eInvoice and will be linked to the eInvoice recipients’ entity database. The system will be open in order to enable integration into various ERP systems, accounting programs, and other software solutions.
Educational activities and awareness raising
Since the relatively new European Directive 2014/55/EU brings certain new obligations for the European public service providers, ROSE Action anticipates active approach in informing and educating subjects, affected by the new legislation. We have already announced the first educative workshops around Slovenia, the first two will take place on 24 November 2017 in Novo mesto and on 29 November 2017 in Murska Sobota. Workshops aim to address the content of the European Directive on eInvoicing in Public Procurement and technical solutions that will enable receipt of the eInvoices in EU standard in Slovenia.
In order to inform the interested audiences and stakeholders in a comprehensive manner, the ROSE Action webpage was recently updated and can be accessed at It offers information on the upcoming reforms and follows the activities of the ROSE Action.
The topics above were discussed at today's 5th Steering Board meeting of the ROSE Action, a Connecting European Facility Action, co-financed by the European Union and implemented by the Public Payments Administration of the Republic of Slovenia, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, ZZI d.o.o., Mojdenar IT d.o.o. and Centre for European Perspective.