In order to prepare the Slovenian market for the implementation of the e-Invoicing Directive 2014/55/EU, binding for all public procurement obligors in the EU to receive eInvoice sent in the European standard, the actors, involved in the "Readiness Of Slovenian E-Invoicing” (ROSE) Action issued an upgrade of the eSlog 2.0 standard. Various relevant stakeholders were involved in the preparation of the upgrade.
From today on, XML scheme of the new standard and mapping tables between
eSlog 2.0 and eSlog 1.6, in order to enable translation between the two standards, are available at
http://www.roseslovenia.eu/activities.html. Scheme and tables are supported by
eSlog 2.0 documentation in Slovenian and English language for software solution and services providers to enable integration of the new eSlog standard into their solutions.
Dušan Zupancic, Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia, explains the importance of the newly developed standard: »The update of eSlog is EN 16931 compliant and follows the Directive 2014/55/EU rules. Firstly, the upgrade will enable receipt of eInvoices from the EU Members States in public administration and secondly, it will enable receipt in private sector. Slovenia is among the first EU countries that will implement national standard and eInvoicing infrastructure in accordance with the EU standard by 1 June 2018.”
Educational workshops continue in the springPartners consortium devotes speacial attention to informing and education the actors that are affected by a reform and organizes a series of educational workshops around Slovenia. In the upcoming months, they will be taking place in:
- Koper, 21 March 2018
- Maribor, 23. March 2018
- Kranj, 28 March 2018
- Postojna, 4 April 2018
- Celje, 6 April 2018
- Ljubljana, 11 April 2018
Workshop in Ljubljana will focus on technical aspects and will gather ERP solution providers and other actors who develop products and services for eInvoicing processes.
The upgrade was presented at 8th Steering Board meeting of the ROSE Action, a Connecting European Facility Action, co-financed by the European Union and implemented
by the Public Payments Administration of the Republic of Slovenia, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, ZZI d.o.o., Mojdenar IT d.o.o. and Centre for European Perspective.