New rules of the EU in the field of digitalization, standardization and interoperability in eInvoicing are bringing significant changes. Positive effects that are foreseen are rationalization and simplification of eBusiness in the EU and automatization of eInvoicing, One of the key reforms is introduction of a new single eInvoice EU standard.
In order to prepare Slovenian market for the e-Invoicing
Directive 2014/55/EU, that is binding for all public procurement obligors in the EU to receive eInvoice sent in the European standard, the implementers of the
"Readiness of Slovenian eInvocing" Action (ROSE) developed an updated standard
eSlog 2.0.In order to get to know and understand the upcoming reforms, we kindly invite you to the workshop:
"Slovenia is ready to receive eInvoice in EU standard”At the workshops one can get to know the upcoming reforms and technical solutions for the Slovenian eInvoicing market. New standard eSlog 2.0 will be introduced and practical presentation of the new National register of the eInvoices recipients will be demonstrated.
Regional workshops will take place:
- 21 March 2018: Public Payments Administration, regional unit Koper, Pristaniška ulica 10, Koper, 10.00 - 12.00
- 23 March 2018: Chamber of Commerce Štajerska, Ulica talcev 24, Maribor, 10.00 - 12.00
- 28 March 2018: Chamber of Commerce Gorenjska, Bleiweisova 16, Kranj, 10.00 - 12.00
- 4 April 2018: Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia, Tržaška cesta 1, Postojna, 10.00 - 12.00
- 6 April 2018: Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia, Aškerčeva 12, Celje, 10.00 – 12.00
All public procurement obligors, IT companies, software solution providers, ePath providers and other interested stakeholders are invited to the workshop. Each workshop will also involve guest presenters from the local business environment.
special technical workshop is devoted to the software solution providers (ERP systems and accounting software providers). Technical experts who developed ROSE solutions will demonstrate how to support eSlog 2.0 through the software solutions and to integrate National Register of the eInvoices recipients in the software solutions:
- 11 April 2018: Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia, Dimičeva 13, Ljubljana, 10.00 - 13.00
Access detailed agendas and registrations here:
Workshops are conducted in the framework of the
Readiness of Slovenian eInvoicing Action (ROSE), a Connecting European Facility Action, co-financed by the European Union. Participation is free of charge, but registration for the workshops is mandatory by clicking on the link "Registration” below.